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Sjiamuslimerna är deras eviga opposition, underkastade principen "taqiyya" ("försiktighet" och "försiktighet"). Fram till slutet av 1900-talet  Begreppet taqiyya finns inte i sunnitisk teologi eller jurisprudens. Att på olika sätt bryta mot trons föreskrifter under extrema eller krävande omständigheter kallas  There are several forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, the best known being taqiyya (the Shia name). Because u are  According to Shia doctrine, taqiyya is permissible in situations where there is overwhelming danger of loss of life or property and where no danger to religion would occur thereby. Taqiyya - Saying something that isn't true as it relates to Muslim identity (i.e whether one is a Muslim or what that means). This is a Shiite term: the Sunni counterpart is Muda'rat. Kitman - Lying by omission.

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Why do Shias do Taqiyya on when they are online? Are they scared of CIA or NSA? 2. Why is it necessary to do Taqiyya on the internet?3. What does Ahlulbayt say about Taqiyya? 4. When is doing Taqiyya wajib?5. Whe Taqiyyah is the practice of hiding one’s belief under duress and it is mentioned in the Noble Qur’an in three places: Let not the believers take the disbelievers as guardians instead of the believers, and whoever does this will never be helped by Allah in any way, unless you indeed fear a danger from them (illa an tattaqu minhum tuqat).

Either way, al-Taqiyya, as the Shia uphold it, does not make of the Shia a secret cooperative that seeks to destroy and corrupt, as the enemies (of the Shia) wish to present them; (these critics launch their verbal attacks) without really heeding the subject (of al- Taqiyya); and (without even) laboring to understand our own opinion on the matter (of al-Taqiyya). SalamShia Muslims do Taqiyya. Taqiyya is part of the Shia Islam.

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Derived from the Arabic  20 Nov 2009 As they confront Iran's nuclear aims, negotiators must mind the Shiite doctrine of deceit called 'taqiyya.' He reasons that Taqiyya is exclusive to Shia Muslims due to threats, persecution or compulsion in Sunni Majority countries. He is also likely to  Followers of Shia Islam – a minority in the world's total Muslim population – This view, however, has not spared Shiite Muslims from known as taqiyya.

Shia taqiyya

Taqiya - Taqiya - qaz.wiki

Shia taqiyya

Interspersed among the much more numerous Sunnis, who currently make up approximately 90 per cent of the Islamic world, the Shia often performed taqiyya by pretending to be Sunnis externally, while maintaining Shia … 2020-03-27 2015-09-22 Sunni and Shia commentators alike observe that verse 16:106 refers to the case of 'Ammar b. Yasir, who was forced to renounce his beliefs under physical duress and torture. Shia Islam view Twelver Shia view. The doctrine of taqiyya was developed at the time of Ja'far … Shia Encyclopedia entry: Taqiyya Sunni Muslims and taqiyya However, although taqiyya is usually seen as a Shia doctrine only, it is practiced and taught also by Sunni Muslims, cf.

Yarden Mariuma, sociologist at Columbia University, writes: "Taqiyya is an Islamic juridical term whose shifting meaning relates to when a Muslim is allowed, under Sharia law, to lie. Shia believe Imams hold status above the prophets yet Quran mentioned names of 25 Prophets and no name of Any 12 Imams. Shia-ism is NOT Islam. April 2 at 11:09 PM. Taqiyya-begrebet er især blevet brugt inden for shia-islam. Det skyldes, at det efter profeten Muhammeds død var sunni-islam, som blev den dominerende retning inden for islam, og derfor var det svært at være shia-muslim, forklarer Claus Valling Pedersen, som er lektor ved Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale studier på Københavns Universitet: Taqiyya was initially practiced under duress by some of Muhammad's Companions. Taqiyya holds a central place in Twelver Shia Islam.
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Shia taqiyya

Pushing back at the media  2 May 2019 Taqqiyah is a word used by nawasib to derail discussions with Shia's or other Muslims friendly towards Shia's. Edited May 2, 2019 by Faruk.

För shiitiska muslimer innebär taqiyya att dölja  (Asl al-Shi'a wa Usulu, s.192).
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Shia – Wikipedia

In fact, taqiyya is so central to Islam, that the sixth Imam, Ja’far al-Sadiq, said this: “al-Taqiyya is my religion, and the religion of my ancestors. He who doesn’t practice al-Taqiyya, doesn’t practice his religion.” He is one of the highest and most respected authorities in all of Islam. Se hela listan på en.wikipedia.org Taqqiyya, al-taqiyah, är en doktrin inom shiitisk islam som tillåter att en troende döljer eller på andra sätt gör avsteg från sin tro, om de annars skulle riskera döden eller allvarlig förföljelse.

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Bibeltest ska avslöja falska konvertiter - Nya Tider

32. Taqiyya holds a central place in Twelver Shia Islam. This is sometimes explained by the minority position Shias had under the political dominance of Sunni  Shia (الشيعة; förkortning av Shia 'Alī, "Alis anhängare") är den nästa största inriktningen i islam.

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Bland skillnaderna mellan sunni-och Shia lag är fokus på taqiyya, tillståndet att ligga när liv och hälsa är i fara, och mut'a, tillfälliga äktenskap.

Shias follow hadith that are in line with Qur'an, and reject ones that go against it as being fabricated. Thus, no shia would practice taqiyya simply for sport, but ONLY out of necessity. there are several threads on taqiyya if only you look for them :angel: SalamShia Muslims do Taqiyya. Taqiyya is part of the Shia Islam. My questions are:1. Why do Shias do Taqiyya on when they are online?