Exakta VX Ihagee Dresden Page 7 - Line.17QQ.com
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Fully automatic exposure and it's green! No batteries needed! In the next several years there were a lot of auto-exposure cameras popping up there or there, and guess what, trend continues until now. Ihagee Kine Exakta, Photo Porst Katalog 1937 Versetzen wir uns zurück ins Jahr 1937 und bleiben im Katalog von Photo Porst an der ersten einäugigen Spiegelreflexkamera für den Kine-Film hängen. Design, Verarbeitung und technische Ausstattung sind aller erste Sahne und irgendwie ihrer Zeit voraus.
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Co prawda w literaturze pojawiły się już informacje o radzieckiej lustrzance małoobrazkowej Sport, ale Exakta do produkcji weszła wcześniej i została w ten sposób pierwszą na świecie Se hela listan på fr.wikipedia.org 1937: KINE-EXAKTA I. Ihagee Kamerawerk, Dresde-Alemania A esta cámara le cabe el honor de ser la primera Reflex Monocular (SLR) en el formato 35 mm. La Kine-Exakta era una máquina con cuerpo en forma de cuña que disponía de un obturador plano focal de tela de recorrido horizontal que permitía una velocidad máxima de 1/1000 seg. con 20 posiciones y óptica intercambiable.
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The Carl Zeiss lens is a Biotar5.8cm f/2. Die Kine Exakta ist eine Kleinbildkamera. Hergestellt wurde sie von der Firma Ihagee in Dresden. Der Kine Exakta kommt die Rolle der ersten in Serie produzierten einäugigen Kleinbildspiegelreflexkamera zu.
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"Kine Exakta I" The Kine Exakta, manufactured in series from April 1936 in Dresden by the Ihagee company is considered to be the first 24 X 36 reflex camera.
The Kine Exakta was …
The Kine Exakta, manufactured in series from April 1936 in Dresden by the Ihagee company is considered to be the first 24 X 36 reflex camera. But the interest of this great camera is not limited to this point of history: For a first attempt, Ihagee had achieved a real masterpiece fixing for decades the main features of
Kine-9700 no lens, but with Kine-Exakta mount. Kine-9700-L no lens, but mount for Leica 39mm lens. Kine-9700-PR with Primotar f/3.5 lens. Kine-9700-M with Ihagee Anastigmat f/4.5 lens -- probably a variation of the enlarger shown here. Kine-9700-P with Ihagee Anastigmat f/3.5 lens.
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The first use of the brand Exakta was on Ihagee cameras made for 127 rollfilm, now known to 2020-07-03 · The Kine Exakta might have been the first 35mm SLR camera. It was developed by Ihagee's engineer Karl Nüchterlein. The camera type was derived from the Ihagee EXAKTA for 127 rollfilm (4×6.5 cm images), an earlier SLR creation by Nüchterlein. The Kine Exakta was presented at the fair Leipziger Früjahrsmesse in spring 1936, one and a half The Kine Exakta was the second SLR made by Ihagee, with the first being the 1933 VP Exakta, which used 127 roll film. The word kine highlighted the main difference between the two cameras since it roughly means cine or cinema in German, referring to the Kine Exakta’s use of 35mm cinema film.
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Exakta Ihagee Dresden 66 Camera Rare Page 1 - Line
Kameran kirkas peilietsin näytti objektiivin polttovälistä riippumatta koko kuva alan. Ihagee Kine Exakta printed camera manual.
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In 1936, Ihagee would release a revised variant designed for the new 135 format 35mm film, which they called the Kine Exakta. The word “Kine” was short for the word “cine” or “cinema”, and never appeared on the camera itself, but was used in literature to differentiate the 35mm film version from the original 127 roll film “Vest Pocket” Exakta. Ihagee Kine Exakta, Photo Porst Katalog 1937 Versetzen wir uns zurück ins Jahr 1937 und bleiben im Katalog von Photo Porst an der ersten einäugigen Spiegelreflexkamera für den Kine-Film hängen.
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1936 – IHAGEE membuat Ihagee Kine Exakta 1. Kamera SLR 35mm yang pertama. 1936 – Kodachrome mengembangkan multi-layered reversal color film Kine Exakta Version 1 C-B 14 900:Nr. 485123 Ihagee, Dresden, ca 1936-37. Krom. Enögd spegelreflex 24x36 mm, med Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 2,8/5 cm Nr. 1,9 40 · analog SLR camera tech 1960s Manual Wissen Kine EXAKTA Varex II b KB · EXAKTA VAREX IIa Ihagee Dresden ohne Objektiv FOTO KRÜGER (709 Mod. I I I .
The Kine Exakta was the second SLR made by Ihagee, with the first being the 1933 VP Exakta, which used 127 roll film. The word kine highlighted the main difference between the two cameras since it roughly means cine or cinema in German, referring to the Kine Exakta’s use of 35mm cinema film. Ihagee Kine Exakta Dresden camera .& Schneider-Kreuznach Xenar 2.8/5cm.